August 31, 2024 at 12:32 pm #7037
Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

Sure! In Preferences/Settings you have the option to have the X-Sheet to the left or right.

After copying your drawings, you can easily turn them all original, by having them all selected (using the shift method) and hitting O – which works on all of them at once.

Actually, in my internal development version, we do have a duplicate (as original) feature, so you don’t need to do this “copy – hit O” thing. This will be publicly available in our next release, which is probably in a month or two.

Thanks for appreciating the clean interface. 🙂 It’s something that is very important to me. And this is why I tend to be little hesitant about implementing too many clever ideas (even though they may be easy/quick to do). You mentioned the metronome. I definitely see its use. It would be great for some. But also it would participate in cluttering up the software. Sorry for using your idea as the example, and I mean, that one thing probably wouldn’t clutter much, but if I gave in to too many small features like that, people would tend to be confused and overwhelmed, rather than enjoying the calm and get in focus. For me, getting in the zone when animating, is super important. The less distractions the better. I hope you see what I mean.