Hey again!
I found something. My windows user name has an ø in it. Windows is mad, and has apparently saved multiple user folders with corrupted (as in full of weird signs) “attempts” at my name. So I have three user folders for one user, and it seems like I have to do a full re-install to actually clean it up, which I guess I probably should. I’m at least not advanced enough that I’m gonna fudge around with it manually. I had problems with another program and made a separate user with a non-ø-name (?!). It worked, and today I thought to try an export with Animation Paper. That works perfectly too. This isn’t 100% scientific proof of causality, there could be other factors about my admin user, or indeed computer. Useful? I feel responsible for sending you guys down a bug hunting rabbit hole when it seems to have nøthing tø dø with yøur prøgramme…