Hi Niels, thanks for looking into this and for the update! For me the F11 button does nothing at all. The maximize button at the top of the window makes the program fill the screen, like any other program, but it doesn’t do anything to the visibility of toolbars and menus etc. The only thing that has any effect on the visibility of anything is pressing Tab to open and close the X-sheet.
I personally would love to be able to press a button and have literally everything disappear, leaving me with only the drawing surface. This is to maximize the amount of space I have for drawing as my Cintiq screen is a smaller one. I use shortcuts for changing tools and flipping drawings etc, and so I don’t need toolbar buttons for them, or a timeline. And if there’s anything I do need a button for, I can access it on the speed dial.
My ideal would be to be able to clear the screen completely, and just press Tab to open and close the X-sheet.
Thanks Again!