Thanks for your good suggestions Vizzy! As you guessed they have been requested many times before, but that just validates them even more. Coloring, including fill tool, color picker and a full color palette is the first thing we are going to finish after version 5.0 that we are working on now. Also a good brush system, is on our todo list.
Your first suggestion with shapes (like rectangle, oval, etc) is something I have deliberately stayed away from. My reason is that I want to keep Animation Paper feeling less technical and have that “analogue” vibe, – so I tend not to have numbers, percentages, measurements, vectors, etc in your face. It is basically about drawing, animation, timing. And keeping you, as the animator, in the zone, so you can do your best work without getting distracted, confused or disturbed all the time. Drawing a rectangle or circle, by hand, is most often fine and the simplest and fastest way forward in my mind. I appreciate, not everybody will think like this. So I am not saying “never” 🙂 I hope you see where I am coming from? Please let me know your thoughts. I am super happy to be challenged on this view of mine. Please explain to me why shapes are important to you – if they are.
Much appreciated! Thanks,