I also like to draw with colors but being not able to see black lines with hue inbetweens would cause some problems in my case, especially in clean up.
First of all, this became a habit for me too because hue inbetweens is a standard on every pro traditional animation software and very useful to me. If there would be different better technique of course I am open to break this habit. Here I’ll try to explain the issue.
Let’s assume we animate on color pencils and start to clean up with black. 1st we clean the keys on a different black – clean up layer. Then we start to clean the inbetweens. Regarding to our colored inbetweens there might be an advantage of viewing cleanup on an other layer only in black but the problem is generally clean up artists do not need animator inbetweens (in general). They are done for to have glimpse of the final look. Clean up artists draw their own inbetweens unless some special cases. And in grayscale onion skin frame case it seems useful to distinguish cleanup from other layers only but the previous and next drawings are more important to me. I think it would be great if Animation Paper at least offer an option to hue black layer for generic users. Further more if these colors would be customizable (if we can choose which color we want for backward and forward separately) that would be super!
I’d be happy to explain in more details if above I couldn’t picture enough.