January 14, 2025 at 5:31 pm #7583

Selecting lasso and deleting inside would not bother me much before, as I used to do it on Toonboom or similar softwares but I have to mention that after Clip Paint I absolutely became fan of lasso eraser and suggesting it. In Clip Studio while I am drawing, I just click Ctrl(or any modifier I desired) tool turns into a lasso eraser and when I am done I just release the ctrl and continue drawing. This might be a small detail but believe me while drawing every milisecond counts 🙂 If Animation Paper have this, I will definitely start thinking Animation paper as a sketching tool as well.

Modifier keys are great by the way and with custom keyboard shortcuts any software become extra powerful. I am not sure if there is a technical issue behind on avoiding custom shortcuts to users. With this ability we can use gaming keyboards, joypads etc as we want and it is very useful for pro artists that are using software all day. And more some software also started to offer many custom key options for the same tool as well which is awesome! Might be seems like a detail but ergonomics are important and everybody has unique ways as their creativity.
