Open Cell Animation
Animation Paper supports the OCA format. It's an open format, that eases the exchange of hand-drawn animation between different applications - both commercial and free.
OCA holds the vital x-sheet info like layers, timing (exposure and reused drawings), color, transparency, framerate and more.

Import your Animation Paper work anywhere
The great people at RxLab are currently providing Add-Ons for import to After Effects, Blender, Fusion, Krita and OpenToonz/Tahoma2D. Add-ons for Photoshop, TV-Paint and others are in development.
You can support RxLab by paying a small amount - or just download the Add-On for free.
Download Add-Ons here:
More great stuff
If those of you with a little technical wizardry happen to create (or know of) any conversion-scripts, Add-Ons or dream up any other clever usage for the OCA format, please let us know. We will be happy to include info about it here.