• December 20, 2024 at 9:36 pm #7424


    Is that possible to stay in the last(actually) viewed frame while flipping with the shift key(which is a great feature!)?. That would be awesome if the drawing frame will not bounce back to the previously selected frame (meanwhile beginning of the flip action. Also this already been achieved by the “enter” key )




    December 20, 2024 at 10:24 pm #7425
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Hi Ridvan,

    I’m not entirely sure I understand you correctly – but maybe I do 😉

    You can hold down Shift and then drag left/right to scrub back/forward in your animation – as you know. However, you can actually choose what happens when you let go of Shift and lift your pen dragging (leaving scrub mode):

    1) Either AP will take you back to where you started – at the frame you were working on before you scrubbed.

    2) Or it will stay at the frame you scrubbed to – the frame you ended at.

    For 1) first lift your pen, then Shift. For 2) first let go of Shift, then your pen. Once you get used to this, it will feel very natural. 🙂

    Does this answer your question?


    December 21, 2024 at 9:51 am #7427

    Hi Niels,

    Yes, that is exactly what I am looking for. Now I need to get used to as you mentioned.

    Thank you!



    December 21, 2024 at 12:37 pm #7429
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    That’s great – thanks!

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