Okay, so after uninstalling and reinstalling after shutdown, nothing has changed. Ive gone as far as to simpify my drawings on another layer while erasing some messy ones. I then used the CUTTER tool to select that simpler duplicate drawing and Stamped it onto the layer I needed it. I tried saving and the file got to 15% before AP shut down completely.
The problem seems to have to do with the interaction between Lasso/Cutter tools selecting drawings and Stamping them since it takes so much time to process data in those drawings.
I have no trouble with selecting, cutting, copying and pasting in other programs. My intent with this program was to see how far I could practice with it before I ran into problems. Sadly it seems this is as far I can go before the next few releases fixes any issues.
I hope I dont come off as frustrated by all this. I like this program alot and think it can really be useful at an $80 price point so the sooner these fixes are addressed in later releases, the better for all animators 🙂
One last thing. Upon restart, I noticed I wasnt given the option to send the AP install files to a different place on my computer. Installation was done automatically on the C: Drive. Personally, I like the ability to send software to my Solid State Hard-Drive so my computer isnt taxed on resources from the Local Drive. It’d be much appreciated for this option to be available down the road.
Thanks for looking into all this, Niel.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Christopher Wade.