Thanks for these good suggestions Hevonen!
But let me challenge them a little to make sure I understand you fully.
1) You already have a hotkey for adding a clone [‘]. Wouldn’t it be fine to just hit that key once or twice (for setting your drawing on two’s or three’s)?
2) I do think I get your point. It is good to be able to test different timing alternatives, which means you sometimes need to delete a drawing – but then you can not easily get it back if you need it again.
You suggest some kind of popup window that could hold these deleted drawings so you could just click the one you want and get it back. But you would need to be able to see them at full size then, because picking it out between more similar looking drawings in some kind of thumbnail size wouldn’t work.
I tend to think that instead of deleting a drawing, you could cut it (Ctrl X) and then have an extra layer (not visible in your drawing area view) where you paste the drawings you want to save for later. Wouldn’t that work quite well for your purpose? AP will automatically make a copied clone become an original if it is the only copy left.
Let me know what you think.