October 19, 2020 at 3:50 pm #3260
Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

Hi Suzie,

It is actually not a matter of your drawing being large. Animation Paper handles enlarging drawings very well, because the drawings will not degrade or blur in any way when scaled up. That’s one of the magic things about Animation Paper.

The problem is that copying using lasso will multiply the amount of data in a frame (drawing), so if you keep doing this over and over you risk having your data for a particular drawing increase exponentially. This is what the warning is about. Also the filesize of your scene can “suddenly” be very large because of this.

So, it is better practise to not use the lasso extensively. Try to just draw your frames from scratch using the lighttable for reference. Or copy drawings using copy/paste in the X-Sheet – meaning you copy whole drawings (frames).

I hope this makes sense. I know it seems like a weird problem. But it reflects how the Animation Paper drawing engine is built. There’s plenty of positive reasons why we did it this way, but the drawback is that you can not rely too much on the lasso and therefore multiplying data in a single drawing.

We are closely following how many people have these problems you are experiencing, so we might end up doing two modes or something, so it is up to the user to decide how things should work internally. The bottom line is we want to keep things simple and easy to use. So we’ll see.

So for now you can trace your problem-drawings to reset them to not fill up memory and require too much CPU-power. You asked about “tracing”? I just mean tracing, as in adding a new layer and drawing on top of the old layer. You are probably doing this anyway, when you do passes refining your drawings, cleaning them up or inking them. Once you have your new “clean” layer, you can get rid of the old one, and you will see a huge drop in memory usage and filesize (and performance when lassoing).

I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need me to elaborate or if you have further questions.

Thanks a lot,

By the way: I know this is technical and annoying: But if you, instead of stamping and lassoing again, reuse the same lassoed drawing it will not get as bad. 😉 I mean, if you are simply “zooming” into something you are maybe using the same drawing anyway? You can get your latest floating selection back using Shift Esc on your keyboard. Or you can stamp, while holding Shift, to not loose (keep) your floating selection in the first place.