• August 9, 2023 at 3:04 pm #5603
    Mike SmithMike Smith

    I submitted this animation for the 11 second club competition last month.


    I used Audacity to time the phonemes and then the animation was entirely made in Animation Paper; including the export.

    Fantastic software that is simple and intuitive.  Great job on this!

    Let me know if it would make sense to collaborate in some fashion on improvements etc.  I have a fair bit of experience in this area as I’m the creator of the inbetweening software called TweenMaker .


    August 9, 2023 at 3:09 pm #5892
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Hi Mike,

    I am SOOO sorry. For some very weird reason, your post only showed up just now. I have no idea why it took so long (months). Maybe it has been caught by some of my spam filters or something…

    Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing your excellent 11 second club animation. It’s great! How did it do in the competition?

    I would be delighted to hear more about your TweenMaker. Sounds interesting. You’re most welcome to email me about it. My address is the one you got your activation key from (for spam-bot reasons I don’t write it here directly).

    Thanks again – and sorry for my absolutely ridiculous approve and reply time!

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