April 25, 2020 at 8:04 pm #2645
ilias boufidis
ParticipantThis issue in general is very important to me in image software so i figured i’ll mention it with some hidden hope. I’ve come to work my ‘serious’ projects at pixel level mostly without anti-aliasing, this automatically means i need anti-aliasing to be optional from my software. I really wish this could be an option in A.P. not to mention the clients you’d get for providing a tool that can do pixel level animation with proper X-sheet and animation process….. Sorry if it seems weird as a request/topic, but one could argue that pixels is what we ultimately do and we should be able to address them individually in our image software if we so desire 🙂
be well all,
thx again Niels for this awesome soft!April 25, 2020 at 10:16 pm #2650Niels
KeymasterI see Ilias. I do understand that for some uses you could have a need for being able to manipulate on a precise pixel by pixel level. Not that Animation Paper isn’t precise, but you know what I mean. 🙂 However, I’m not sure that no anti aliasing is the solution. I mean, it wouldn’t be enough I think. If we had no anti aliasing, then new needs would come up right away, you would quickly wish you had that pixel by pixel pixel-art drawing/clicking. I’m sorry, but I just don’t think Animation Paper is the right software to turn into a pixel-art animation tool.
This is my immediate thoughts. Let me know if you think I’m wrong. I am listening.
It is not that switching off AA is hard to do in our software. It’s not. But I want to minimize the number of speciality features and technical clutter. Animation Paper is ment to be cleverly digital, but “analogue” in its feel. No AA is going against that. Do you see what I mean?
April 25, 2020 at 11:25 pm #2657ilias boufidis
ParticipantI see what you mean, and i understand it of course both as general practice and the complications you promptly thought of. But here’s some of my thoughts> I see clarity on the pixel level much beyond pixel art. (I consider pixels our art medium, the same way a sculptor sees stone), It allows one to make important decisions on line and overall resolution concepts and ultimately these affect a lot the way i animate. also, -in a sense- not being able to see my marks in their aliased situation cripples me in the head like if i’m forbidden to have a sharp enough pencil. i’m not talking about line thicknesses here i’m talking about the artistic process and the extent of artistic control afforded/allowed by the software. So if it takes a button option and software restart for the AA, and a snap to pixel grid for control of the brush for me to feel that if i want to i can work on my medium in it’s most honest form, i’d welcome it 🙂 also, all digital pictures are pixel art and you know it 😀 😀 😀 hahahaha nice talk 🙂
April 26, 2020 at 10:40 am #2666Niels
KeymasterOK, I see what you mean. It’s about your immediate control over the lines your are drawing. So getting rid of the AA as an easy post process wouldn’t work even though it would have the exact same look.
I’ll see what it takes to do. Maybe we could do an option switch when launching Animation Paper or something to keep it hidden for the regular user. I’m not promising anything at this point though 🙂
April 26, 2020 at 3:42 pm #2669ilias boufidis
ParticipantBrilliant! 🙂 thanks so much for considering this whole thing, best of wishes from over here, and thanks for Animation Paper!!!!
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