• November 19, 2023 at 12:32 am #6134
    Andrew MoranAndrew Moran


    I just wanted to jump in here and say keep up the good work, and that Im really looking forward to the new alpha release whenever it is ready to go! Thanks for all you do!


    November 19, 2023 at 2:25 pm #6135
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks a lot Andrew. Much appreciated. We thought we were ready, but our internal tests found a few bugs, so we had to fix those too. Almost there…

    January 6, 2024 at 7:29 pm #6270
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Hi Fukui, – the new version (Alpha 8) was released last month – did you get the newsletter?

    Anyway, if you go to download, you will always get the latest.


    January 13, 2024 at 1:21 pm #6283
    Serge Serge PesceSerge Serge Pesce

    Bonjour. Je suis désemparé : mon logiciel Animation paper ne fonctionne plus, les touches sont désactivées. Même en ayant réinstallé tout c’est encore pire. Quelqu’un peut-il m’aider ?

    January 14, 2024 at 9:10 am #6284
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Hi Serge, I hope it is OK I answer in English?

    First, here’s your post translated with Google Translate: Good morning. I’m at a loss: my Animation Paper software no longer works, the keys are disabled. Even after reinstalling everything, it’s even worse. Can anyone help me?

    I’m not sure I understand – “the keys are disabled” – do you mean your keyboard? Or could it be your drawings marked as “key”? Please describe the problem in more detail. I am happy to help, but I need to understand what is wrong.


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