Hi Bahadir, thanks a lot for this!
You are not missing anything. Shift and Trace (aka Off the Pegs) doesn’t have scaling. My initial thought, when designing it, was that it probably wasn’t needed that much (you can maybe get by, using a lassoed cutout instead) – and having scaling wouldn’t resemble the original analogue technique. However, this shouldn’t of course be a reason to not do what’s right in the modern version of Shift and Trace. So thanks for mentioning this! If you need it, chances are that others do too. I’ll put it on our list. I’ll look deeper into it, but it makes sense.
We could make the interface follow the mouse pointer just as it does when using the Move/Rotate/Zoom-tool pressing Space. But you mention the H shortcut, that one is easier, because it only have the one function, so you can slick and drag from anywhere.
Anyway, thanks a lot.