Forum Replies Created

  • Deif LouDeif Lou

    Hi. The deleted/filtered message was:
    Yeah, it is cropped. I think the size of the interface elements is ok. The problem is more the resolution of my laptop (1366×768). I have the text size and other elements of the windows and desktop sized a little down so they don’t take a lot of space. I think that is what makes the app look big. but it is ok even in this resolution because there are not a lot of elements in the interface and it doesn’t feel big. My tablet monitor is 1080p so it is more confortable to draw on because gui elements usually are smaller in proportion.
    Here is a fullscreen screenshot (scaled by that image sharing page to 1280×720):
    After the cited text I wrote a link to download the original image (without scaling), and I think the forum system filtered the message as spam because of that link (or something similar) and the post didn’t appear in the conversation once submited. Maybe the administrator has a way to check those messages and decide if they are spam or not before they get deleted. I say that because I thought there was an error on my part and submited the same message again but the system showed an info message saying that a post with the exact same content was already submited (kind of preventing duplicate posts).

    Anyway, the link to download the original image was the one in the “download original image” button in this page:

    Deif LouDeif Lou

    <Duplicate post, sorry>

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Deif Lou.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Deif Lou.
    Deif LouDeif Lou

    I tried to send a reply but I think the the message get deleted because it contained an url (maybe thought it is spam). Anyway, if you can see it just delete this message.

    Deif LouDeif Lou

    Well. I just downloaded the alpha and installed and executed it via wine. It worked well on the first try and without any fancy wine stuff/configuration, just the bare bones installation. I will try the tablet monitor another day and tell you if it worked. It seems linux users will be able to try Animation Paper even before linux is supported.
    Here a screenshoot:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Deif Lou.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Deif Lou.