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  • In reply to: Exporting animation with all layers as one (PAP 4.0)

    April 5, 2024 at 11:10 pm #6543
    Angelo CaballeroAngelo Caballero

    Haha, understandable if you couldn’t find the solution but dang I never knew it was 20 years old.

    I’ll be honest I’ve never tried Animation Paper, not to say I don’t plan to but I do want to finish this small animation loop before switching over. I like challenging myself to use older software with limited features, just to see if I can make something good with what I have.

    In reply to: Exporting animation with all layers as one (PAP 4.0)

    April 5, 2024 at 4:09 am #6536
    Angelo CaballeroAngelo Caballero

    Never mind, just figured it out. Turns out I just had to merge the layers prior to exporting.