Hey Niels,
Thank you for your reply.
I watched all tutorials so I assumed arrow keys are the only way. I definitely should check help and see all the options before any comment.
If I start using AP more so I’m sure I will add more comments.
Toggling between draw and erase is nice but period is far from left hand – maybe temporary enable erase when you hold ctrl key – blender’s grease pencil has this feature.
Also I’ve notice some comments about smoothing. I know this feature is not needed when you are professional artist with super precise steady hand, but it looks like this is a standard in any 2d or 3d software now – some kind of lazy mouse or smoothing postprocess. In my opinion lazy mouse would be sufficient, to have ability to clean the lines (and it’s easier to implement).
It looks like cut and lasso is memory hog, few cuts and memory usage jumped from 80MB to 1GB – I’m curious what is the issue. I hope you will find better data represention for you scene objects.