Hi again Andy, you bringing this up has made us look closer at the fullscreen functionality. It turns out it worked a little different Mac vs Windows. On Mac it looses both the menu bar and the title bar in fullscreen. On our current Windows version it keeps both. This takes up some space as you are aware.
In the current version, you should be able to just hit the maximise button at the top of the AP-Window. Also shortcut F11 should work.
We will now change it a little for the next release – hiding the titlebar when in fullscreen. You can already hide the X-sheet and Tool Bar, but not the Controls Bar (the top one containing the play button etc) and the timeline/range at the bottom.
2 questions for you:
Do you think we should also hide the menu in fullscreen?
Would it make a big difference for you to be able to hide everything (the controls bar and the timeline/range too)?