Hi Niels !.. I’m back… may be the following elements will help you : The problem is not that the software does not recognize that the pencil is hovering the menu because the FACT is that the label Menu changes to a blue background, for example ” Window ” , ” Pick-Up ” etc … So what I am thinking about is to add the instruction to roll down the choice offered in this particular Item : for ” Window ” there is ” Reference Display “, ” Show Toolbar “, ” Place Toolbar at opposite side “, and so on … Because the thing is : when the software actually detects the pen tip howering for example Window I can slide to get Pick-Up, Xsheet, Light Table : no problem the Menu are rolling down all the options for their respective ” Own Menu “. THE PROBLEM comes from the obligation to CLICK LEFT on the Mouse to Roll down the Options of the ” Menu ” : When the software detects the click on the title of the Menu, the software shoud immediatly open the Options relative to this Menu : for example ” Pick-Up ” will show Lasso, Cutter. I hope this will help !.. Have a good day !.. ( with the mouse I MUST ” Click Left ” to open every Menu choice, hovering over Pick-up or something else is not sufficient, I must ” Click Left ” to choose an option ). May be there is an instruction as ” On Mouse or Pen-Tip Hovering, show Options from ” Menu “… I hope this helps !.. Bye !..