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In reply to: Detecting Pegholes
June 9, 2023 at 7:40 pm #5747Niels
KeymasterI’m sure it did – and does! Thank you!
In reply to: Detecting Pegholes
June 9, 2023 at 7:00 am #5743Niels
KeymasterSorry Herb, the guy you replied to is a spammer. I’ve shown him out. 😉 I constantly have to remove obvious and bad spam on this forum. It just happened that the subject of his spam here was somewhat within the subject – and not some escort agency in Delhi. 😀
In reply to: Instalation :/
June 2, 2023 at 12:43 pm #5709Niels
KeymasterYou are definitely not boring me Alessio! 🙂 I am just sad that we can’t make it work for you – and you are in this situation where you want to upgrade your system, but can’t because of other good software running only on Win7.
I hope you find a good solution that’s hopefully not too expensive. Thank you and good luck to you too!
In reply to: Instalation :/
June 1, 2023 at 9:25 pm #5701Niels
KeymasterActually, I can see from our installation records, that a few Win7 users did actually manage to install and run Animation Paper. So at least for some it does work.
I have now dug up three old releases we’ve made. Maybe there’s a change one of them will work for you. Worth a try at least.
Here’s Alpha 1, Alpha 3 and Alpha 5…
Fingers crossed!
In reply to: Instalation :/
June 1, 2023 at 9:11 pm #5700Niels
KeymasterSorry for the delay. It was only in the very beginning of development we may have supported Win 7. Any early version that can actually be used is not running on Win 7 – I’m sorry. We are using QT as our framework, and they set the level of compatibility. Nothing I can do to change that. I’m truly sorry it doesn’t work for you.
And by the way, the reason that we have this license system is because we need to test every aspect of the software. Animation Paper is free in the alpha and beta stage – but will eventually be paid software that has to have some license system – this has to be tested on a lot of users and different hardware like everything else in Animation Paper.
In reply to: Instalation :/
May 28, 2023 at 10:51 pm #5697Niels
KeymasterOK – Thanks for the info! Much appreciated.
I can’t remember off the top of my head if/when we had a version for Win7. Actually I could have thought it would just work on 7. I better check this and get back to you… 😉
In reply to: Instalation :/
May 28, 2023 at 11:33 am #5694Niels
KeymasterOK thank you very much. So it’s apparently not something with your computer – rather than maybe something with your connection. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, just something that makes it different and causes our server to not connect it for some weird reason.
Our server should of course work with everybody.
I don’t think there’s anything else you can do. I will try to work more on it…
In reply to: Instalation :/
May 27, 2023 at 7:46 am #5692Niels
KeymasterOh, sorry. Don’t do that 😉 Could it be some high restrictions of a firewall or something at your end? I’m lost I know 🙁 Do you have other computers online by any chance? Just to test the connection from there and try to hopefully get some kind of clue…
My goal is to try to reveal if there’s anything we have missed on our end about the connections to/from our server. I shoot in the dark in the hopes something fundamental shows up – that we will then be able to improve.
Thanks for your time!
In reply to: Detecting Pegholes
May 26, 2023 at 1:31 pm #5690Niels
KeymasterCool. Alright – that’s interesting. I haven’t been looking into those aspects that much. Thanks!
In reply to: Instalation :/
May 26, 2023 at 1:27 pm #5689Niels
KeymasterThanks for the screenshot. I’m really sorry Alessio, I don’t understand what would cause this. I admit that something is going on. I’m glad this only happens to very few people, but still, there are people experiencing this – like you do.
I encourage you to keep trying again – you don’t need to register again, just launch AP and paste the activation key in to see if it accepts it. And please get back to me either way. If people do not return to me after I advice them to just try again – I tend to think their problem is solved. So I need to know if you keep getting the “unable to connect” error. Thank you.
I hope your situation can end up giving us a clue to what this is all about.
NielsIn reply to: Detecting Pegholes
May 25, 2023 at 10:11 pm #5686Niels
KeymasterHi Herb,
Thanks for testing Animation Paper and evaluating it together with others.
The vision of Animation Paper is to do “traditional” animation in an easy, modern and digital way. So this doesn’t exactly scream for scanned drawings and peghole detection. However, we do have it on our list of wanted features because we do appreciate its usability and eligibility.
One great advantage of Animation Paper is that your drawings and lines done within Animation Paper is fully scaleable. So no matter how much you blow your drawings up they will stay crisp. No degradation or blurriness of your lines when lassoing and scaling/rotating. You are also able to work in one (lower) resolution and then export in a higher resolution once you are finished animating. But all this only works if you are drawing directly within the line engine of Animation Paper with, say, a Wacom tablet – if you on the other hand import scanned images they will be static bitmap with a finite resolution. I hope my explanation makes sense – please let me know 😉
NielsIn reply to: Surface Pen Pressure Support
May 25, 2023 at 9:54 pm #5685Niels
KeymasterStrange. Try to delete the .conf file completely. And you are re-starting Animation Paper, right?
In reply to: Instalation :/
May 25, 2023 at 1:06 pm #5682Niels
KeymasterHi again Alessio,
I’m back. Everything really looks perfectly fine here. I do not understand what causes your computer to not being able to connect. If you try again, please get back to me here to share the result. Either it connects or it doesn’t – either way, I want to know. 😉
Thank you,
NielsIn reply to: Instalation :/
May 25, 2023 at 11:50 am #5681Niels
KeymasterHi Alessio – Sorry for the trouble. It seems it normally always works if people just try again later. But if you already did that and it still doesn’t work, then maybe there’s something deeper we need to look into.
So I don’t have a solution right now – other than trying again. It normally just works – and our servers are online and seems fully functional. However, we will check everything and see if we can find anything odd at our end. I will get back to you here.
NielsIn reply to: New version of animation paper
May 24, 2023 at 7:40 pm #5678Niels
KeymasterThanks Julien! We are actually still struggling with that exact problem (it’s a particular difficult one). But we WILL crush it eventually! (Along all the other things we are evolving). 😉