Changing Gears!

NielsStandard28 Comments

I know. I have been fully aware of it. Things have been very slow for a while now. I got my second child and have enjoyed spending all of my time with my family. But you don’t give birth to the worlds most awesome hand drawn animation software that way! So, now, I am very pleased to be able to … Read More

Look out! New website coming up

NielsAll53 Comments

Hi everyone! Just a quick update about what I’ve been up to lately. 🙂 Lots of thoughts, lots of research, lots of planning. – And a brand new Animation Paper website is coming up very soon! The new website will keep this blog intact with the current posts for historic reasons – and for new interested people to be able … Read More

Crowd Funding! Get Ready!

NielsAll27 Comments

[WE KEEP ALL ARTICLES FOR HISTORICAL REASONS – BUT BE AWARE THIS POST IS OUTDATED AND MAY NOT BE RELEVANT ANYMORE] Today I am announcing that we will be running a crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo, starting next week! Let’s gather everybody to participate in making Animation Paper exactly as awesome as we dream about! The price for Animation Paper will … Read More

Let’s revive hand drawn animation! Let’s get the fun and ease back into 2D!

NielsAllLeave a Comment

[THIS IS COPY OF FRONT PAGE TEXT OF PREVIOUS ANIMATION PAPER WEBSITE SAVED FOR REFERENCE] Tomorrow, this is the way to do “traditional” animation Animation Paper is a specialized software application in development. Designed for the experienced and professional animator. Fast and powerful – yet simple, intuitive and effortless to work with. Work rough, quickly test ideas, then clean it … Read More