Forum Replies Created

  • In reply to: Separate drawing window from X-Sheet window?

    May 8, 2020 at 8:37 pm #2793
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Hi Patrick. In the current version (alpha 2) – you are not able to do that. Others have requested this – and it’s a good point. So, it’s on our todo list. 🙂

    In reply to: To select/ move/ swap keyframes

    May 7, 2020 at 11:53 pm #2790
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    OK, thanks for letting me know. Others have said the same. I am looking into it.

    For now, you can copy/paste (as you say) and you can drag original drawings around to adjust timing (you need to be in Slide Mode). But this is only sliding them through your clones – you can not swap their places (as you know). This is on purpose. But I see your need for this. So we will probably do a third mode or something. We’ll see. Thanks again.

    In reply to: Reordering Frames, Auto-Save , Performance Issues

    May 7, 2020 at 9:37 am #2786
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks for trying all this. I wish we were in the same timezone, then I could have seen this earlier and helped you out (it was night here and I was sleeping). 🙂

    But you came to the right conclusion. It is caused by lassoing and stamping many times in the same drawing. This builds up data and it starts to take a lot of time (5 mins are insane!). You must have gotten a warning about this in the program (when it takes 2 seconds, which is too much already), but we don’t show the warning again. The problem is that all the data is carried over to other frames if you stamp your “bad” data there too.

    Reinstalling Animation Paper doesn’t help at all. Because the problem is the excessive data that is saved in your file (and just loaded again).

    It would be great if you could send me the file that makes it crash. Please send it to my email address (you can reply to the email you got from me with your activation key). Thanks a lot for this help!

    To not have this problem occur again, you have to be careful not to overuse the lasso. To fix your existing file, I recommend doing a new layer and tracing your drawings over there. Then get rid of the problematic drawings/layers.

    We will work to optimise all this, but best to keep these points in mind never the less.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Niels.

    In reply to: IOS version

    May 6, 2020 at 8:34 pm #2777
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks for this opinion of yours, Decio. Although I do think tablets (like Wacoms or similar) work very well on desktop computers – I tend to think you are right.

    We are doing Animation Paper for the iPad Pro with Pencil. We have been planning this all a long. Both the iPad and the desktop versions have most of their code base shared. This means 2 things: 1. We will be able to finish the iPad version fairly quickly after we finish the desktop version. The main task is to redesign the interface for touch purposes. And 2. the two versions will be fully compatible. Project files made on the desktop will load perfectly on the iPad and vice versa.

    I think Animation Paper will be amazing on the iPad Pro!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Niels.

    In reply to: Reordering Frames, Auto-Save , Performance Issues

    May 6, 2020 at 7:32 pm #2775
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks for this Christopher.

    Reordering is something others have requested too. It’s on the list. Thanks.

    Auto save might be a good idea as well. However! Animation Paper can’t crash in the middle of a save!! (It must not crash at all!) If this really happened, we need to find the problem and fix it. Would it be possible for you to recall what you did before it happened? You were working in 4K you say. Did you have many drawings in this file? Have you been able to replicate this crash? Did you have plenty of space on your harddrive? Please provide as much info as you can – including info about your computer (hardware and OS).

    Thanks for helping out – very important we track this down.

    In reply to: Inserting a drawing into Animation Paper

    May 6, 2020 at 1:00 pm #2773
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    You can not draw directly on a reference layer, but you just add a new layer on top and draw on that. Hit N for New Layer.

    In reply to: Inserting a drawing into Animation Paper

    May 6, 2020 at 8:48 am #2770
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Hi Megan 🙂 You export it from AI as a PNG – then import it into Animation Paper (Go to the menu File -> Import).

    Animation Paper will automatically create a reference layer with your imported image. You can also import multiple frames by shift selecting a sequence of png’s.

    In reply to: Lighttable

    May 5, 2020 at 8:15 pm #2767
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Hi Kuya! The problem is you have your imported background at 100% opacity. If you set it low – like 20% or so, it will not cover up everything.

    In reply to: Toolbar Settings

    May 5, 2020 at 11:54 am #2765
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks Sarah. Yeah, I must admit that this is not obvious at all. As it is right now in alpha 2, the tool bar is always opposite the x-sheet. So you just change the x-sheet position and the tool bar will change too.

    Shift Tap does it. 🙂

    In reply to: File Size, Playback, and Lasso Questions

    May 4, 2020 at 7:28 pm #2763
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thank you very much Rachel! I have the file downloaded now (if you want to delete it).

    In reply to: some suggestions and problems

    May 4, 2020 at 7:26 pm #2762
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Hi Stanley,

    Thanks for this. Actually, everything you mention (apart from one thing, recording of audio) are all coming soon during this alpha stage. 🙂

    In reply to: Cant draw on the Surface Pro

    May 4, 2020 at 8:25 am #2759
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks Anthony and Pedro!

    For now it’s great if you can find ways to make it work and let us know – but at the end of the day it is up to me and my programmers to find a solution and build it into Animation Paper. We’ll get it right, no worries.

    In reply to: File Size, Playback, and Lasso Questions

    May 4, 2020 at 8:21 am #2758
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Hi Rachel,

    Thank you for this. Would you mind sending me your file, so we can examine it? This will help us analyse and hopefully fix the problems.

    But just to quickly touch on your questions:

    1) Yes, making the lasso less taxing on the program is important. We will look into this.

    2) We already have a system in place doing that. But it needs more optimisation.

    3) I do not understand why this happens, no. This is the main reason we want to have a look at your file, to give us a clue.

    Please send your .ap file to my email adress. Just reply to the email you got from me with your activation key.

    Thanks a lot!

    In reply to: 5.8 gb file?!

    May 4, 2020 at 6:59 am #2757
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    6 gb file? That’s insane. I’m sure you must have gotten a warning? This happens if you use the lasso to pick up parts and stamp them again NUMEROUS times in THE SAME drawing. If you keep doing it, Animation Paper will be very slow when picking up and stamping (only then) and it will take up a lot of memory (and file size) as you experienced. Again, only if you keep doing the same thing beyond this warning.

    This is partly by design – but something we need to address and optimise.

    To reset your bad drawing (or drawings), you now need to trace (re-draw) them onto a new blank frame. Don’t use the lasso to copy. It will just copy the problem to the new frame.

    In reply to: Touch Screen Compatibility

    May 2, 2020 at 9:07 am #2751
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks Tamas – if I understand it correctly, installing WinTab drivers can actually work for people not even using Wacom. I wish I could help you better and point you to the exact driver.

    Anyway, we are working on making Animation Paper recognise more tablets and touch screens out of the box.