Cool team of Developers

NielsAll10 Comments

Lots have happened lately. Now, I am very happy to be able to reveal this! Animation Paper now has an experienced and very capable team of developers assigned and ready to go! What? How? – Jakob and I have partnered up with the (what they proudly call them selves:) Earth based fully distributed development company Ahead.IO! Ahead.IO consists of highly … Read More

Changing Gears!

NielsStandard28 Comments

I know. I have been fully aware of it. Things have been very slow for a while now. I got my second child and have enjoyed spending all of my time with my family. But you don’t give birth to the worlds most awesome hand drawn animation software that way! So, now, I am very pleased to be able to … Read More

Now what?

NielsAll113 Comments

Today, we only got one day to go with our crowd funding on Indiegogo. We have about 1/5 of the funding needed to make Animation Paper for Mac happen. So it is time for me to admit that we didn’t make it. As you know, all of you who generously pledged money, will automatically get it back. Of course I … Read More

Functionality Preview

NielsAll40 Comments

I have been looking forward to give you updates and showing you this! Finally! A lot of thought have gone into what to include in the first version of Animation Paper. And not only what, but how. How to make everything work together in the best and most logical way. Again I thank you for contributing with all your fine suggestions … Read More

Tour of WIP GUI / Features

NielsAll144 Comments

What you see here is work-in-progress. Every detail will be reworked again and again, so chances are that much will be different and more distilled in the final app. Anyway, take a peek at how the design of the interface looks at this point in time. May you find it interesting… Tour of the GUI Here’s the overview screenshot. A … Read More

Smell the Roses

NielsAll, Featured13 Comments

Get your imagination going… take a few deep breaths… close your eyes… – wait, don’t do that. đŸ™‚ Read on… Enjoy drawing the rough blue lines over layers of red layouts, do keys and breakdowns, turn on your real time light table, quickly move drawings around, refine your x-sheet timing to perfection, clean up in black ink zoomed in and … Read More

Animators of all media

NielsAll49 Comments

So, were where we? … Talking about how amazing Animation Paper is going to be. đŸ˜‰ I know I’m getting carried away here, but please try to see the vision. I believe I might have some good points in here somewhere… What will be one of the best things about Animation Paper is how it handles your quick sketching, your flow … Read More

Let’s revive hand drawn animation! Let’s get the fun and ease back into 2D!

NielsAllLeave a Comment

[THIS IS COPY OF FRONT PAGE TEXT OF PREVIOUS ANIMATION PAPER WEBSITE SAVED FOR REFERENCE] Tomorrow, this is the way to do “traditional” animation Animation Paper is a specialized software application in development. Designed for the experienced and professional animator. Fast and powerful – yet simple, intuitive and effortless to work with. Work rough, quickly test ideas, then clean it … Read More