June 24, 2021 at 2:02 pm #3725
ParticipantI have shared my graphic card details.
thanks for your help.
June 24, 2021 at 10:45 pm #3726Niels
KeymasterThanks a lot. This will probably help us in some way. We are looking into this…
July 18, 2021 at 8:52 pm #3783kaye t
ParticipantOk, I am guessing this might be a bug, I wanted to increase more images to continue my animation, but the app keeps crashing every time I want to make a change for the next frame.
Renders then either crashes to the point it closes in which I have to reopen and none of the changes I made wasn’t saved (an auto save would be beneficial and a life-saver) and I have to start over again (so far several times, I’m exhausted… LOL)
I then copy and pasted as a new one and the same error or when I try to lasso a window pops up “Redraw (Trace) Drawing on a new blank drawing & it will work out full speed.”… kindly, could you clarify? Because I tried that with the copy and past function, but suddenly I am unable to make any changes without a crash.
I’ve cleaned my hard drive and my laptop has 1T with 8G RAM… don’t understand for the crash…
Had similar crashing problem with another app and learned that I had installed the 32-bit and my laptop is a 64-bit, do you think this may be causing the crash?
aka Astral Spirit
July 19, 2021 at 8:10 pm #3784Niels
KeymasterThanks a lot for this, Kaye! If the software crashes, it is definitely a bug somewhere. I will try and see if I can replicate it. If you don’t mind, it would be great help for me if you sent me your .ap file, so I can follow your steps and hopefully get the same bug here. Then we have optimal conditions to find the problem. My email address is the one that sent your activation key.
About 32/64 bit: I don’t believe this would be causing the problem in your situation, but of course you should always choose 64bit (if it matches your computer) so it runs the fastest. We are offering both, but if you just clicked the big Windows download button it was the 64bit version you got.
About the warning you probably encountered. It is about how Animation Paper is built internally. Technically our drawing engine is part vector / part bitmap, and therefore we are able to offer some really cool functionality, like speed, clever line stabilization, bucket fill without destroying antialiasing or “eating” part of your line. It’s a matter of quality. Also you are able to draw, and stamp down selections, partly or fully outside the frame – and get it picked up and moved back in later. And maybe most importantly: all lines can be rotated and scaled indefinitely without any degradation or blurring. Try it! It’s almost magical 🙂
The drawback is you can not just keep lassoing parts of drawings infinitely. Data builds up if you do that, which ultimately means that a particular drawing/frame will take way too long to render. Especially it can take several seconds to pick up a lasso area one more time. The large amount of data for the particular drawing can be copied to other drawings through more lassoing and this can make the problem bigger and your file size explode. Animation Paper is designed with traditional hand drawn animation in mind – thus rough sketching as a first pass, then refining passes to clean up is encouraged – until final inked frames. Using the lasso is great to adjust here and there, but over-using it is not recommended. I hope the reason is clearer now.
To help in your current situation with your scene, do a new empty layer, trace or refine all your drawings onto the new layer and then delete your old layer. When saving you will see your file size be reduced to a fraction of its previous size and you can safely use the lasso again 😉 (without going crazy! 😉 How much “crazy” means, depends on the specs of your computer/memory/etc).
I hope this helps. Let me know if my explanations makes any sense or not 😉
NielsJuly 20, 2021 at 2:50 pm #3786kaye t
ParticipantActually, Niels, yes, you answered most of the questions and your explanation was most certainly understandable, thank you.
Since such information was not mentioned on your training video, thus I wasn’t aware that tracing or transferring to later trace required less data.
Also, being new at this form of art, learned how to water paint 3yrs ago and managing well – a few sales. Being an illustrator was one of my dreams, next to becoming a writer, sold a few books… so, yes, with teaching myself, I’m learning plenty with hands on 🙂 I look toward integrating my animations with my paintings and photography.
Thanks for your reply… look toward the newest release.
Many thanks.. and I’ll send file to you now…it’s another laptop.
Best, kaye
PS, not so crazy, clearly understood.
July 20, 2021 at 5:42 pm #3788Niels
KeymasterThanks a lot Kaye.
I agree this isn’t part of the videos – actually the videos make use of the lasso too much for my taste 😉 But that is how they turned out. They are only meant for the alpha pre-releases. For the final release we will have new, better and more in depth videos.
NielsAugust 9, 2021 at 11:28 am #3835Selena N
ParticipantHello. I downloaded the alpha recently for Windows (I have Win 10 Pro 64 bit). The version is
When I tried to install I received an Error 0x80070570 Failed to Extract to files container.
I have the logs from my install as an administrator since I thought that might be the problem. I even tried moving the exe to the desktop to install it to see if having it on the same drive as the error would help, and it did not.
I re-downloaded and tried again with the same error. I even tried compatibility mode just in case.
Here is the relevant part of the log file.
I even tried extracting the EXE to a directory and it requires a password so I couldn’t really look to see if it was an issue with the internals (which is fair, I was just trying to investigate as much as possible before reporting as a bug).
Caching bundle from: ‘C:\WINDOWS\Temp\{6663BCAC-EC92-4CCA-864B-BBEE62ACFE24}\.be\AnimationPaper_x64.exe’ to: ‘C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4c40503a-2537-4744-b4a3-04c18cd4e327}\AnimationPaper_x64.exe’
[02EC:2844][2021-08-09T04:12:56]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {4c40503a-2537-4744-b4a3-04c18cd4e327}, version:
[02EC:2844][2021-08-09T04:12:56]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{4c40503a-2537-4744-b4a3-04c18cd4e327}, resume: Active, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[2690:31C0][2021-08-09T04:12:56]i336: Acquiring container: WixAttachedContainer, copy from: S:\Art Programs Install Files\AnimationPaper_x64.exe
[2690:31C0][2021-08-09T04:12:56]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleLastUsedSource’ to value ‘S:\Art Programs Install Files\’
[2690:0698][2021-08-09T04:12:56]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed to extract all files from container, erf: 1:4:0
[2690:31C0][2021-08-09T04:12:56]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed to begin and wait for operation.
[2690:31C0][2021-08-09T04:12:56]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed to extract payload: a1 from container: WixAttachedContainer
[2690:31C0][2021-08-09T04:12:56]e312: Failed to extract payloads from container: WixAttachedContainer to working path: C:\WINDOWS\Temp\{6663BCAC-EC92-4CCA-864B-BBEE62ACFE24}\93899A8BEA1A25A2383621B1DE13A4FC415FD848, error: 0x80070570.
[2690:1674][2021-08-09T04:12:56]e000: Error 0x80070570: Failed while caching, aborting execution.
[02EC:2844][2021-08-09T04:12:56]i372: Session end, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{4c40503a-2537-4744-b4a3-04c18cd4e327}, resume: None, restart: None, disable resume: NoAugust 9, 2021 at 12:57 pm #3836Niels
KeymasterHi Selena, thanks for you thorough description and for your time. I will investigate (get help ;)) and get back to you asap!
August 9, 2021 at 1:46 pm #3837Niels
KeymasterHi Selena, we don’t yet have an explanation of what is happening for you. But could you try installing this .msi instead:
It is interesting to see if that makes a difference.
Please let me know!
NielsAugust 9, 2021 at 2:41 pm #3838Poopie Kaka
dumb question(lol). But can you guys make a version without any administrator rights. My school doesn’t allow me to download.
August 9, 2021 at 3:21 pm #3841Niels
KeymasterHi Poopie – not a dumb question at all. I believe we need to make a so called “portable” version. I’ll see what we can do and get back to you asap.
NielsAugust 10, 2021 at 2:25 pm #3849Niels
KeymasterHi again Poopie! Good news. We did a portable version. Can I get you to test this and get back to me? It is important for me to know if it works for you – or not. If you have any problems, or if you have none, please let me know!
NielsAugust 10, 2021 at 5:42 pm #3852Poopie Kaka
ParticipantSure I can:). I will test it and come back to you.
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