Alpha 3 up for grabs

NielsUncategorized56 Comments

These minutes, all alpha testers are getting the Animation Paper Alpha 3 download! Refresh your inbox! It’s mainly about audio in this update. You are now able to import a wav or mp3 file, display it as a waveform alongside your drawings in the X-sheet – and scrub or play your animation with the audio in perfect sync. This means … Read More

Animated with

NielsUncategorized20 Comments

Audio functionality is acting out 😉 and has delayed us a little. But mommy & daddy told it to behave! – and things are calming down now. 😀 Soon we’ll be able to release Alpha 3. In the meantime, take a look at these recent examples of animation done with Animation Paper. If you want to show your stuff too … Read More

Audio is coming in Alpha 3

NielsUncategorized25 Comments

We are pressing on and now implementing audio! Audio features will be the main thing in Alpha 3. We keep it simple: Basically, you import one audio file (like a wav), containing dialogue, music or maybe sound effects. You will be able to adjust where the soundtrack begins, play and scrub with audio and do your animating with perfect audio … Read More