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  • In reply to: Memory warning when using Cut (x) soon after Lasso (l)

    April 8, 2020 at 12:35 pm #2298
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks Nathan. This could potentially be a bug. But it depends on how the original from that clone was created. I mean, if the drawing you are lassoing from already was made up of a lot of stamped drawings, then that could explain it. On the other hand, if the original of the clone you lassoed from was just a simple drawing drawn on a new blank, then you found an important bug. Maybe you could try to recreate the situation, to make sure which one it is?

    Remember, this warning is only coming up if a lassoed area is taking 2 seconds or more to pick up. Normally it would happen instantly, so 2 seconds is a lot – also for old slow computers I would say.

    Sorry that this is becoming a technical talk. But now it is about the internal workings of Animation Paper (which is interesting as well – at least for me!). Of course people don’t need to think or worry about these things when using Animation Paper normally. 🙂

    In reply to: Drawing poses in Animation Paper

    April 8, 2020 at 8:16 am #2294
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks a lot Jose!

    Your drawings look great!

    As you know, you can import a sequence of png’s or jpg’s. But importing animated gifs actually work already too. 🙂 And importing movie files will soon be possible as well.

    Right now imported material will just be scaled to fit your “paper”. Later (soon) we will have options to scale and reposition them. But for now I recommend doing ekstra white (or transparent) space around your source frames to make Animation Paper make them fill only a smaller part of your paper.

    In reply to: Allow staggering frames confidently

    April 8, 2020 at 7:47 am #2293
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks for this suggestion.

    If you reuse drawings in Animation Paper. You use copy/paste to have a clone (copy) somewhere else in the timeline. They are internally linked so it is the same one drawing just repeated elsewhere. Every copy and the original highlights when you flip to it.

    However, the labelling we do not have. So how would that work best? Are the numbers on the labels automatically generated or are you able to name them your self? Would some other solution work even better now that we design it from scratch anyway? Some scribbled number/note/symbol by the thumbnail or something?

    Let me know how you would prefer this functionality implemented. 🙂

    As you say, it is also a matter of keeping it ultra simple and not cluttering up everything. I agree it could be very helpful to have this, but we need to find the most clever – highly useful – efficient way for it to work…

    In reply to: small brushsize> white spots in line

    April 7, 2020 at 11:31 pm #2282
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks to Nathan who just sent me the test .ap file – featuring a line with a hole in it 🙂

    In reply to: Future update request

    April 7, 2020 at 9:27 pm #2280
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Thanks Czes! Yes, I love Affinity designer! I used it for all design in Animation Paper, graphics and GUI.

    In reply to: Memory warning when using Cut (x) soon after Lasso (l)

    April 7, 2020 at 6:52 pm #2275
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Working on it 🙂

    In reply to: TIme line bookmark

    April 7, 2020 at 6:28 pm #2274
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Exactly. That is always the consideration.

    In reply to: My little Flour Sack

    April 7, 2020 at 5:45 pm #2272
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    So cool! And it says hello and all! 😉 Thanks for showing Diego!

    In reply to: Memory warning when using Cut (x) soon after Lasso (l)

    April 7, 2020 at 2:57 pm #2268
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    No that doesn’t help. The problem is all the stamps coming from lasso. And those gets carried over. Only way to clear it is to redraw. Or don’t use that many lasso copies in the first place of course.

    We are going to work on optimising this, but the theoretical problem will always be there if you stamp enough times.

    In reply to: Variable Pen Pressure?

    April 7, 2020 at 2:53 pm #2267
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    OK, that must be annoying Cher! 🙁 If it is because of something in Animation Paper I don’t know. We’ll have to keep an eye out for it.

    In reply to: Moving all drawings on the sheet

    April 7, 2020 at 1:11 pm #2263
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Yes, Frederik is his name! Thank you! 🙂

    In reply to: an evening with animation paper

    April 7, 2020 at 1:08 pm #2262
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Very cool! Thanks for showing!

    In reply to: Memory warning when using Cut (x) soon after Lasso (l)

    April 7, 2020 at 12:10 pm #2259
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Only once: But did that drawing originate from another drawing put together by many lasso-stamps? That could explain it.

    In reply to: Moving all drawings on the sheet

    April 7, 2020 at 12:05 pm #2258
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    Sorry, in this current alpha you can not move multiple drawings (frames) at a time. This is a feature to come soon.

    But that doesn’t help you now! So I suggest taking one drawing at a time, but instead of lassoing, you should just hit A (for All). That automatically selects everything in the drawing and clears it from the paper. Then you can move and stamp.

    In reply to: Compatibility with Windows Ink/Bamboo Ink

    April 7, 2020 at 11:57 am #2256
    Niels Krogh MortensenNiels

    That is good to hear! Thanks!