Pre-release Announcement!

NielsUncategorized82 Comments

Development is continuing to progress smoothly. Soon we will be ready with our very first early-access alpha version! So, today I can finally announce the date for our pre-release!Drum roll… and the date is… TOMORROW!! Yes! All who signed up for the alpha/beta, will be able to download Animation Paper for PC or Mac – and get seriously animating this … Read More

Eating milestones for breakfast!

NielsUncategorized53 Comments

As we continue our steady progress we are now over half way through our alpha stage tests – currently preparing to release our 4th alpha version for our internal testers. Our internal test team is a small group of some of the best and most experienced animators. They are very impressed with AP so far (he says with pride and … Read More

Progress! Getting there.

NielsUncategorized164 Comments

Development of Animation Paper is in fantastic progress! Every day I am jumping with excitement as our programmers finish more and more of our planned features and details. I couldn’t be happier! Should I give you a little sneak-peek? 😉 Sure! – Feast your eyes on this small selection of “secrets”… Animation Paper will be available for both PC, Mac … Read More

Hey Niels! Animation Paper! What’s happening?

NielsUncategorized157 Comments

I know, I owe you updates. So much.So. Things are good. But we’ve had delays. With virtually no budget, it is two steps forward, one step back. Ups and downs. Our programmer, who has put in a lot of effort and is obviously KEY to this project, spread over the last many months, has had to be excused a few … Read More

We are rolling!!

NielsUncategorized245 Comments

This year has had its ups and downs, but as 2016 is running out, I am proud, happy and super excited to let all of you know, that… We now have financing! We have our super capable programmer! And we have hit the ground running – making Animation Paper the best software for hand drawn animation! Our programmer is veteran … Read More

Pulled the Plug

NielsUncategorized59 Comments

Those of you who follow this endeavor of mine, will know that I recently wrote about programmers on board. It is with a heavy heart that I am now informing all of you, that my collaboration with these talented developers has stopped before it even took off. That, unfortunately, also means that our planned new crowdfunding at Indiegogo has been … Read More

Cool team of Developers

NielsAll10 Comments

Lots have happened lately. Now, I am very happy to be able to reveal this! Animation Paper now has an experienced and very capable team of developers assigned and ready to go! What? How? – Jakob and I have partnered up with the (what they proudly call them selves:) Earth based fully distributed development company Ahead.IO! Ahead.IO consists of highly … Read More

Changing Gears!

NielsStandard28 Comments

I know. I have been fully aware of it. Things have been very slow for a while now. I got my second child and have enjoyed spending all of my time with my family. But you don’t give birth to the worlds most awesome hand drawn animation software that way! So, now, I am very pleased to be able to … Read More